What is Financial Data?

At DIH we define financial data as information about the financial health of companies, the capital markets, and the overall economy.

Our financial data includes information about various asset types including equities, fixed income (bonds, structured finance), derivatives (futures, options), and currencies (forex, crypto).

In our financial data sets, we have price data from level 3 depth of book quotes and trades to end-of-day closing prices. We also have a great deal of reference data and corporate actions on various securities and the exchanges on which they trade.

Finally, we have derived analytics and global economic data in our financial data.

Data In Harmony sources data globally and delivers it under user-friendly license terms - DIH

Examples of Financial Data.

DIH’s financial data includes such information as:

Price Data – prices for global equities, fixed income, currencies, and derivatives.

Reference Data – security and market identifiers as well as other information that is crucial to effective and efficient trading in the capital markets.

Corporate Actions – events initiated by a company that could change its securities (equity, debt or derivative), including initial public offerings (IPOs), stock splits, dividends, coupon payments, ticker changes, etc.

Analytics – metrics calculated for a security or market using other underlying data (e.g. metrics calculated on underlying price data).

Economic Data – information on the overall economy that can include such data as the gross domestic product, private consumption, unemployment rate, consumer prices, exports, imports, money supply, etc.

How Our Clients Profit from Our Financial Data.

DIH’s clients use our financial data in many ways in their daily business operations.

For example, many firms use our financial data for research purposes. They back-test various strategies for trading, risk management, and executing their orders in the marketplace.

Others use our financial data to ensure smooth workflows in their day-to-day operations by relying upon our security reference data and corporate actions data.

Also, since our license terms permits the redistribution of many of our financial data products, service providers often use our financial data as an “ingredient” in their own product or service that they provide to their clients.