I hope you, your colleagues and your families are healthy and staying safe. I’m happy to report that everyone at Data In Harmony (DIH) is OK so far, and our operations for the most part have been unaffected.

I’m reaching out because I’ve been talking to DIH clients, and after sharing quarantine stories and worries, the conversation inevitably turns to work and the big question: “What’s next?”

COVID-19 & Your Data – Are You Ready for What’s Next? – DIH
Most believe their firms will survive, but think cost reduction will be the mantra for months to come. Much like after 9/11 and the 2008 financial crisis, you will be asked to manage even more data with smaller budgets and fewer staff.

Those conversations got me thinking: How can DIH help you right now, and what can we do to help as things return to a (new) normal?

Some folks have already asked me about:

  1. How to reduce their data costs without sacrificing data quality.
  2. How to speed up their evaluation process for new data sets (without cutting corners).
  3. Relatedly: How to speed up and/or improve their data on-boarding process.

I’d like to hear from you, too.

What would you like DIH to focus on in future blog posts?

Please click here to send me your feedback.

Also, you can connect with us on:


Stay Healthy. Stay Safe.

Tom Myers